Thursday, September 27, 2012

vision II

As we were sitting and chatting outside where we lived, a huge, long
, fierce snake appeared. The snake looked prepared for war. As the snake was crawling it came near my door and when it saw that i was looking at it, it did not enter the house and turned back. Everyone present was amazed but did nothing to kill the snake. As the snake was leaving, appeared a creature like cat who tried to fight with the snake but the snake prevailed against it and as the cat was making a stand against the huge, longer than usual and fierce snake a hand appeared from among us and hit the cat with a rod, so the cat rolled away in pain.

Soon after there were trails of an army of little snakes crawling everywhere a sign that the huge, longer than usual and fierce snake that looked prepared for war was giving birth to new breed as it returns to its hiding place.

When I woke up the Lord told me that the enemy is recruiting a new breed to carry out it's work throughout the regions beyond the sea and the lake. The Lord said the enemy is taking the battle to international level and that most of the new recruits are from every regions of the World.

The Lord said the hot spots of their operations will be;
1.  Food poisoning: drug like chemical can cause frequent sour mouth and also put the human immune system into non active mode leaving the body vulnerable to attacks.

2.  Use of chemical weapons: Due to unpredictable patterns in how these chemicals react within different types of people, their choice of use must be careful and accurate with proper timing. They also require a fairly simple chemical techniques to acquire. The raw materials are inexpensive and are generally readily available. The chemicals work better whether absorbed through skin or via respiration or consumed through liquid or food. The frequent outbreak of cold like flu where almost everybody was ailing can be attributed to this sort of chemical attack. The SYMPTOMS of a low dose of a nerve agent attack may include; running nose, increased production of saliva, feeling of pressure on the chest, headache and feeling of pain when the victim tries to focus on an object nearby. There are more unspecific symptoms like tiredness, slurred speech, hallucinations and nausea. Another form of chemical weapon attack is blood agent. Blood agents prohibits the bonding of oxygen with blood.

Chemical weapons are easy to deploy without drawing any attention and suspicion

3.  Infiltrating the drug market with noneffective medicine. The drug market is also a place as a servant of God you need to look at in your quest to protect yourself and the people around you..
4.  Causing insecurity: 
5.  Staging accidents:
6. Modern Medical Negligence

There are more tactics used to destroy lives without drawing any attention than we can publish so God is asking you to stay on the look out and report any pattern you find to the people of God.

May The Love of God and Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all in Jesus Name.

 See vision 1

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